Expanding Financial Services for the Poor |
Mr Hendricks has in depth experience as a Senior Consultant and Manager, with core competence in microfinance, enterprise development, small and medium enterprises, and cooperatives. Mr Hendricks has experience in establishing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating these programs. He has conducted detailed independent assessments of potential partner microfinance institutions for receptiveness and capacity to implement with the microfinance programs. Through his work Mr Hendricks has demonstrated his ability to work with local institutions to set up and improve existing microfinance programs. He has experience developing and delivering training courses, including income diversification, marketing, business planning and product development. Mr Hendricks has had extensive experience working in remote areas and is familiar with the complexities associated with rural development. He brings over 25 years of management and leadership experience to assignments and is able to apply that experience by making practical assessments of a situation and implementable recommendations. He has worked in: Argentina, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, St Lucia, Trinidad, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, , China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Viet Nam, Bulgaria. Ms Sabana experience started with the Government where she worked in then Ministry of Commerce and Industry as a Trade Development Officer in various departments including the Sugar Distribution Department, Internal Trade, Trade Licensing Office and the external Trade Department. She have banking experience gained from working with a Multinational Bank in Kenya, where she was a Regional Manager (for East Africa) in charge of Management Training and Development. Ms Sabana have also worked with a World Bank/ CGAPP funded Microfinance Capacity Building Project, covering eleven countries in Africa. She was employed as a senior Microfinance Development Specialist working directly with Microfinance Institutions to build their Institutional Capacities through training and dissemination of Best Practice Tools and Systems.She have over 15 years experience of Consulting in the Public, Banking, Corporate, Small and Micro – Business Enterprise as well as the dynamic Micro Finance Sectors in Kenya and in region. Paul Mosley
has a 35 years background as a consultant and has a strong teaching
experience in economics of development. His current and future research plans
are: Development
finance (programme grant application currently with DFID), Green
Revolution in Neil O'Sullivan has
some 20 years experience in the identification,
design, management and supervision of community managed poverty
alleviation and
rural development projects throughout Asia and Africa
for AusAID and other international development agencies. In this
context he has strong experience in the operation and management of
institutions, particularly those with a strong emphasis on the
development of
community based institutions for the delivery of financial services.In
recent years he has drawn upon his accumulated grass roots
experience in order to provide professional advice to a range of
development agencies on the design and implementation of large-scale
alleviation and community development projects using microfinance as
one of a
number of development tools. In this
context, he has specialised in the promotion of GO/NGO cooperation in
order to
encourage the use of NGOs in the initial organisation of poor
communities. This has involved the development of
expertise in the establishment of effective micro-credit systems (using
NGOs as
financial intermediaries), the use of non-formal literacy and
educational techniques
in social preparation, and in the institutionalisation of linkages
between poor
communities, the NGOs which represent them, and government service
agencies. Mr O'Sullivan is experienced
in the application of a range of participatory project design and
implementation techniques. He is an
experienced trainer in these techniques having designed and conducted
programs for the ADB, World Bank, developing member country governments
NGOs. Debbie has a 15 years
background as an IT/Banking/SME business expert with international experience.
Skills in needs assessment and tender production, system architecture design,
application review and testing, implementation, training and project
planning/management. Team management, business strategy development, SLA and
contractual negotiation, and budget control experience. Mike has strong credentials as a microfinance specialist and importantly has a long list of Team Leader roles to his credit. Mike has worked in the field of microfinance and poverty reduction for over 40 years, living in Thailand, and focusing his work on Southeast Asia for the last 25 years.