Microfinance Services Pty Ltd    

           Expanding Financial Services for the Poor

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About Us

Our Mission

Our Profile

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Microfinance Services Pty Ltd (MFS) is an international consulting firm providing specialised consulting services in the field of microfinance and microenterprise. We strive to provide our clients with insights and analyses that can become the basis for practical product and service innovations.




Our Mission

Microfinance Services aims to assist international development agencies and their partners to improve access of poor and very poor households, in developing countries, to financial services which are flexible, useful and which are financially and institutionally sustainable.


Company Profile

Microfinance Services (MFS) is a specialized consulting firm focusing exclusively on microfinance. Consulting services are managed from a head office in Australia. In addition to its full-time professional consultants, MFS has an extensive international network of handpicked associate consultants throughout Asia and Africa. These associate consultants are developed and supported through a comprehensive mentoring scheme which involves formal training, pre-assignment briefing and planning support, on the job coaching, debriefing and participatory performance evaluation.



Microfinance Services provides innovative and highly practical microfinance consulting services that are underscored by a detailed understanding of our clients' operating environment and organizational capacities. These services are founded upon proven microfinance consulting tools developed internally and through reputable international development agencies.



It has contracted its technical expertise in microfinance/microenterprise to projects funded by the following agencies:


AusAID (Chongqing Comprehensive Poverty Alleviation Project, Qinghai Community Development Project, Inner Mongolia Grasslands Conservation Project, QCDP Microfinance Study Tour, Tibet Poverty Project Feasibility Study, Papua New Guinea Microfinance Sector Review, Annual AusAID Microfinance Training Course)

World Bank LogoThe World Bank (Lao Forest Management and Conservation Project, PNG Agriculture Sector Review, African Microfinance Capacity Building Project - AFCAP)


DFID (African Microfinance Capacity Building Project - AFCAP, Bangladesh FSP Joint Donor Project Design, Afghanistan Rural Development Project)

IFAD (East and Southern Africa Remote Rural Microfinance Research and Development Programme)


Asian Development Bank - Fighting Poverty in Asia and the PacificThe Asian Development Bank (Thailand Development of a Strategic Framework for Financial Inclusion, Lao Northern Region Sustainable Livelihoods Project, PNG Microfinance Expansion Project Design, China Rural Finance Reforms and Development of Microfinance Institutions, Bangladesh Research and Development Project, Pakistan Livestock Sector Development Project)

UNDP (Myanmar MFI Review, Microfinance and Extreme Poverty, Mozambique Evaluation of Upstream Microfinance Project)British DFID (Afghanistan Rural Development Project, Kenya MFI Review, African Microfinance Capacity Building Project - AFCAP, Bangladesh Financial Services for the Poor Joint Donor Project Design)

USAID (Regulation for MFIs and Specialised (deposit taking) Banks, Zambia InstitutionalStrengthening of CMS, Evaluation of MIS for MFIs)

Logo - African Development Bank Group


African Development Bank (AMINA Framework for Microfinance)


Contact Information

Telephone:     +61 (7) 5574 3232
Postal address:
PO Box 8599, Gold Coast MC, QLD 9726, Australia

Physical Address:

110 Upton St, Bundall, Queensland, 4217 Australia

Electronic mail:
In order to avoid spam email we have not listed complete email addresses. Please use the following email user names followed by the domain name.

General Information: Admin
Consultant Enquiries: Robert

Project Management: Julieta
Client Support: Robert

Finance Department: Robyn
Management: Jo



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