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Microfinance Services Publications
Hickson, Robert, Nthenya
Mule, Susan Johnson, et al (2001) The Managed ASCA Model: Innovation in Kenya’s
Microfinance Industry, MicroSave Africa. Also Journal of Small
Enterprise Development, ITDG, London. (40KB)
Hickson, Robert, (2001) Financial services for the very poor – thinking
outside the box, Journal of Small Enterprise Development, ITDG, London
Robert, (1996) Impact evaluation - TRDEP microfinance programme,
Bangladesh Research and Development Technical Assistance, Asian Development
Bank. Manila, ADB (1.2MB).
Rutherford, Stuart and Robert Hickson,
(1994), Alternate microcredit delivery systems, Bangladesh Research
and Development Technical Assistance, Asian Development Bank, Manila, ADB.