Place and date of birth:                             London, 5th April 1947


                                                                  British citizen





Nottingham High School                          1958-1965


Cambridge University                               1965-68 and 1974-75


Essex University                                       1968-69





BA Economics, Cambridge, Class 1         1968


MA, Economics, Essex                             1969


PhD Economics, Cambridge                     1980



Economist/Statistician, Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, Kenya, 1969/1971 (this post was held on an Overseas Development Institute Fellowship).


Lecturer in Economics, University of Strathclyde, 1971-73.


Lecturer in Economics, University of Bath, 1974-79.


Economic Adviser, Ministry of Overseas Development, 1979-80 (on secondment).


Lecturer in Economics, University of Bath, 1980-83.


Reader in Economics, University of Bath, 1983-85.


Professor of Development Economics and Policy and Director of Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester, 1986-1992.


Professor of Economics and Director of University Development Centre, University of Reading, 1993-




Visiting Research Associate, University of California, Berkeley, Autumn Term 1992.




Director, Institute of Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester,

1986-1993.  (40 staff).


Director, Development Centre, University of Reading, 1995 -




1971-73                       Postgraduate courses in development economics, options in industrialisation and foreign aid.


                                    Third year micro-economics.


1974-85                       First year         macro-economics.


                                    Second year    economics of development.


                                    Third year        economics of development, macro-economic policy.


                                    Postgraduate   economic theory, macro-economics of public expenditure and taxation, project planning and                        evaluation.


                                    Also extra-mural classes for Bristol University on aid and development.


1985 to 1993               Second year    economics of development.


                                    Postgraduate   economic theory, development policy,                                   international finance, financial management,                                  agricultural policy.


1993 -                          Second year    economics of development.


                                    Third year        macro and growth theory.


                                    Postgraduate   development economics, research methods,                           microfinance, economic principles for aid donor                  agencies.


Also Open University summer schools and extra-mural classes for Manchester University on aid and development.




1972          to United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, to help write Survey of Economic Conditions in Africa.


1976          to University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland, to give emergency teaching assistance and to conduct research on Botswana's trade relations with South Africa.


1980          to Overseas Development Administration, to assist with the evaluation of the Cajamarca agricultural development project in Peru.


1983          to joint task force of Governors of the IMF and World Bank, to assist with evaluation of effectiveness of aid from OECD countries.


1985          to Advisory Committee on Development cooperation, Republic of Ireland, to advise on the feasibility of transferring development aid to low-income groups.


1986          to Action Aid UK, to run training programme in evaluation methods for Asia Division project staff and evaluate an integrated rural development project in Nepal.


1987          to ODA/British Council (TETOC), to design training programmes on rural credit for staff of National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development, India.


1988          to FAO (Economic and Social Policy Division) to conduct analyses for proposed survey of External Financial Flows to Agriculture.


1990          to UNICEF, to review human resource constraints to efficient utilisation of overseas aid flows.


1990          to FAO (Economic and Social Division) to analyse effects of the Nigeria government's Structural Adjustment Programme on the performance of the agricultural sector.


1991          to World Bank (Country Economics Department) to assess the quality and effectiveness of the Bank's country economic work between 1988-1991.

1992          to Commonwealth Secretariat, to assess technical assistance to the Zambian public sector.


1993          to Inter-American Development Bank, to assess the effectiveness of IDB operations 1980-93.  (Bolivia case study).


1993          to ODA, to train staff of Vietnamese universities in modern economics.


1994          to ILO, to design macro-economic component  of ILO's employment strategy for Eritrea.


1994          to ILO, to design macro-economic component for employment and poverty strategy in Uganda.


1995          to IMF/UNDP, to evaluate technical assistance to economic management in Laos.


1995          to ODA, to assess effectiveness of overseas aid in selected aid-recipient countries.


1995          to FCO Know-How Fund to assess capital investment programme in Polish agriculture and design on associated training project.


1996          To EU (DG8) to assess effectiveness of aid in ACP countries.


1997          to DFID (Eastern Africa Development Division) to design a poverty strategy for the Kenya aid programme.


1997          to ILO, to design options for improving labour absorption and poverty reduction in Lesotho.


1997          to UN Staff College, to design new programmes in macro-economics and economic policy reform for Development Studies Programme.


1998          to World Bank, to assess effects of macro-economic policy on growth.


1998          to WIDER, to examine effects of financial reform on access to credit at local level in selected African countries.





A.              Already in print


i.                Books


1.               The settler economies: studies in the economic development of Kenya and Southern Rhodesia 1900-1963,   Cambridge University Press (African Studies Series: 35), 1983.


2.               The making of economic policy: theory and evidence from Britain and the United States since 1945,   Harvester Press, 1984.


3.               Overseas aid: its defence and reform,  Harvester Press, 1987.


4.               (lead author, with Jane Harrigan and John Toye) Aid and Power: the World Bank and policy-based lending in the 1980s,  2 vols., Routledge, 1991. Second edition, Routledge, 1994.


5.               (editor) Development Finance and Policy Reform: essays in the theory and practice of conditionality in less developed countries,   Macmillan (International Political Economy series), 1992.


6.               (with David Hulme), Finance Against Poverty:  Effective Institutions for Lending to the Poor, 2 vols., Routledge, 1996.



ii                Articles (* = refereed journal)


7.               "An economic analysis of agricultural research results", Ministry of Agriculture Quarterly Review  (Nairobi), October-December, 1970, 48-59.


8*.             "The economics of colonialism: a review article", Journal of Economic Studies 2,   (November 1974), 150-161.


9*.             "Towards a 'satisfying' theory of economic policy", Economic Journal, 86 (March 1976), 59-73.  Reprinted in P. Earl (ed.) Behavioural Economics, (Schools of Thought in Economics, vol. 6), ch. 19, Edward Elgar, 1988.


10.             Review article on industrialisation in sub-Saharan Africa, Journal of Modern African Studies   14 (September 1976), 543-546.


11*.           "The Southern African Customs Union: a reappraisal", World Development 6 (January 1978) 31-45.


12.             "Implicit models and policy recommendations: policy towards the 'informal sector' in Kenya", Institute of Development Studies Bulletin , 9 (February 1978), 3-11.


13*.           "Images of the 'floating voter': or the 'political business cycle' revisited", Political Studies  26 (September 1978), 375-396.


14*.           "Reply to Robson and Landell-Mills" (on the Southern African Customs Union), World Development  7 (January 1979), 87-88.


15*.           "Aid, savings and growth revisited" Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics  42 (May 1980), 79-97.


16*.           "Aid for the poorest: some early lessons of UK experience", Journal of Development Studies  17 (June 1981), 207-222.


17*.           "Donor interest versus recipient need in aid policy", Political Studies  29 (June 1981) 245-253.


18*.           "The Treasury Committee and the making of economic policy", Political Quarterly   52 (July 1981), 348-355.


19.             "The economics of providing low-paid public-sector jobs for the unemployed".  Technical paper submitted to the House of Commons Select Committee on Social Services 1981, reprinted in Third Report  from the Social Services Committee: Public Expenditure on the Social Services  (HC 324), vol. II (July 1981), 147-150.


20.             "The 'market' for overseas aid expenditures".  Development Research Digest  6 (Winter 1981), 73-77.


21*.           "Kenya in the 1970s: a review article", African Affairs  81 (April 1982), 271-277.


22.             "ODA financial support for voluntary agencies", memorandum published in Second Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee: Supply Estimates 1982-83,  (HC 330 of 1981-2, July 1982), 94-99.


23.             "Evaluating the commercial benefits from aid", memorandum published in Second Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee: Supply Estimates 1982-83,  (HC 330 of 1981-82, July 1982), 101-104.


24*.           "Agricultural development and government policy in settler economies: the case of Kenya and Southern Rhodesia 1900-1960"  Economic History Review  35 (August 1982), 390-408.


25.             "British aid 1960-1982" and "Aid evaluation", chapters in C. Elliott et al.  Real Aid: a strategy for Britain,  London, September 1982.


26.             "Sistemas de mercado y distribucion del ingreso: el caso de los productores de leche en la sierra peruana" (Marketing systems and income distribution: the case of milk producers in highland Peru), Economia, Lima, October 1982.


27.             "The economy as represented by the popular press", Studies in Public Policy,  No. 102, University of Strathclyde: Centre for Studies in Public Policy, November 1982.


28.             "The quality of overseas aid" ODI Review,  2 (October 1982), 46-56.


29*.           "Marketing systems and income distribution: the case of milk producers in highland Peru".  Food Research Institute Studies  (Stanford, California) 18 (February 1983), 275-291.


30*.           "The politics of evaluation: a comparative study of World Bank and UK ODA evaluation procedures", Development and Change  14 (October 1983), 593-608.


31*.           "Popularity functions and the role of the media", British Journal of Political Science  14 (January 1984), 117-133.


32*.           "The international debt crisis", Development Policy Review  2 (May 1984), 91-98.


33*.           "Agricultural development and government policy: a reply", Economic History Review  37 (August 1984), 414-416.


34*.           "Aid effectiveness", Journal of Development Studies  20 (September 1984), 134-137.


35*.           (with Richard Cracknell) "Endogenous government policy in a model of the British economy", Applied Economics  16 (October-November 1984), 633-646.


36*.           "The political economy of foreign aid: a model of the market for a public good",  Economic Development and Cultural Change  22 (January 1985), 373-393.


37.             "The behaviour of the macro-economy", Chapter 7 in C. Sandford and M. Bradbury (eds) Case Studies in Economics,  3rd edition, Longmans, January 1985.


38.             (with W. Lawrence-Jones and S. Conlin) Cajamarca agricultural development project baseline study final report.   Overseas Development Administration, 1984.


39*.           "Towards a predictive model of overseas aid expenditures", Scottish Journal of Political Economy,  vol. 32 (February 1985), 1-19.


40*.           "Achievements and contradictions of the Peruvian agrarian reform:  a regional perspective", Journal of Development Studies,  vol. 21 (April 1985), 440-448.


41*.           "When is a policy instrument not a policy instrument? Fiscal marksmanship: in Britain 1951-1984".  Journal of Public Policy,  vol. 5 (November 1985), 69-85.


42*.           "The politics of liberalisation: USAID and the World Bank in Kenya, 1980-1984", African Affairs,  vol. 85 (Jan. 1986), 477-495.


43*.           "Loans for the poorest: early lessons from the Small Farmer Development Programme, Nepal", Development Policy Review,  vol. 2 (November 1985), 107-119.  Reprinted in J. Madeley (ed). When Aid Is No Help, London: Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd., 1991.


44.             "Aid effectiveness: the micro-macro paradox", Institute of Development Studies Bulletin,  vol. 17 (April 1986), 22-35.


45*.           "Agricultural performance in Kenya since 1970: has the World Bank got it right?" Development and Change, vol. 17, (July 1986), 513-531.


46.             "Economic Policy", Chapter 6 in H. Drucker (ed.) Developments in British Politics, Longmans, 1986.


47*.           "Risk, insurance and small farm credit in developing countries: a policy proposal", Public Administration and Development, vol. 6 (September 1986), 309-319.


48*.           "Uncertainty, insurance and informal credit markets in less-developed countries", Manchester Papers on Development, vol. 2 (November 1986), 22-38.


49.             Contributor to R. Cassen (ed), Does aid work?, Oxford University Press, 1986.


50*.           (with Rudra Prasad Dahal) "Credit for the rural poor: a comparison of policy experiments in Nepal and Bangladesh", Manchester Papers on Development,  vol. 3 (July 1987), 45-59.


51*.           (with John Hudson and Sara Horrell), "Aid, the public sector and the market in less developed countries", Economic Journal,  vol. 97 (September 1987), 616-642.  Reprinted in H. Singer, N. Hatti and Y. Tandon (eds.), Aid and External Financing in the 1990s, ch. 9, Delhi: Indus Publishing Co., 1991; also in D. Lal, Development Economics III, (Library of Critical Writings in Economics, vol.18, ch. 15, Aldershot: Edward Elgar).


52.             "Privatisation, policy-based lending and World Bank behaviour", chapter in P. Cook and C. Kirkpatrick (eds), Privatisation in Developing Countries, Wheatsheaf, 1987.


53.             Poverty-focused aid: the lessons of experience,  Action Aid UK, October 1987.


54.             Oral evidence to House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, published in House of Commons, Bilateral Aid: Country Programmes  (Second Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee: HC 32 of 1986-87) pp. 93-115.


55*.           "Conditionality as bargaining process: a study of World Bank Structural Adjustment Lending 1980-86", Princeton Essays in International Finance, No. 168, October 1987.  Reprinted in S. Haggard (ed.), The International Political Economy and the Developing Countries, vol. 2, (Library of International Political Economy) Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1995.


56.             "The supply of food to Salisbury (Harare)", essay in J. Guyer (ed) Feeding African Cities,  Manchester University Press, 1988.


57.             "Aid and trade" chapter in D. Greenaway (ed) Economic Development and International Trade, Macmillan 1988.


58.             "On persuading a leopard to change his spots: strategies for donors and recipients of conditional development aid", Chapter 2 in R. Bates (ed.) Towards a political economy of development: a rational choice perspective, University of California Press, 1988.


59*.           (with John Toye) "The design of structural adjustment programmes", Development Policy Review,  vol. 5, (December 1988), 395-414.


60*.           "Effective stabilisation policy in less developed countries: review article", Journal of International Development,  vol. 1 (April 1989) 273-280.


61*.           "Crop and livestock insurance schemes in developing countries: some issues of design", Savings and Development,  vol. 13:2 (August 1989), 5-21 (reprinted in Italian as 'Schemi di assicurazione dei rischi agricoli nei paesi in via di sviluppo: alcuni punti di discussione', Il Risparmio  37 (July-August 1989), 635-650.


62*.           (with Lawrence Smith) "Structural adjustment and agricultural performance in sub-Saharan Africa 1980-87", Journal of International Development, vol. 1, (July 1989) 321-356.

63*.           (with Paul Cook) "On the evaluation of 'external effects' in project appraisal", Project Appraisal, vol. 4 (September 1989), 143-151.


64.             "Aid effectiveness and the 'market' for technical cooperation expenditures" and 'World Bank policy-based lending 1980-87: an evaluation', essays in O. Stokke and L. Berlage (eds.) Aid Effectiveness: a survey,  European Association of Development Institutes, 1990.


65*.           "Aid, the public sector and the market in less developed countries: a reply", Economic Journal,  vol. 100 (March 1990), 224-225.


66.             "The ODA, the World Bank and structural adjustment" in P. Burnell (ed) Britain's overseas aid since 1979,  Manchester University Press, 1990.


67.             "Structural adjustment and stabilisation: a review" in V. Balasubramanian and S. Lall (eds) Readings in Development Policy,  Macmillan, 1990.


68.             "How weak countries can stand up to the World Bank and get away with it: a case study of Kenya" in T. Rayner and C. Milner (eds) Case Studies in Economic Development,  Macmillan, 1990.


69*.           "In defence of development banking" Journal of International Development vol.2 (July 1990), 399-403.


70.             "Increased aid flows and human resource development in Africa", Innocenti Occasional Papers  5, Florence: UNICEF International Child Development Centre, 1990.


71.             "Impact of structural adjustment on income distribution with special reference to Africa" in H.W. Singer (ed.) Structural Adjustment and Agriculture,  (Training materials for Agricultural Planning: 25), Rome: FAO, 1991.


72*.           (with Jane Harrigan) "Estimating the impact of World Bank Structural Adjustment Lending 1980-1987", Journal of Development Studies,  vol. 27 (April 1991), 63-94.


73.             (with Jane Harrigan) "The assessment of programme aid expenditures" in M. Malek (ed.) Contemporary Issues in European Development Aid, Avebury Press, 1992.


74*.           "La Banque mondiale:   a-t-elle un pouvoir politique?", Marches Tropicaux, July 1991, 1829-1832.


75*.           "Policy-making without facts: a note on the assessment of structural adjustment policies in Nigeria 1985-1990", African Affairs,  vol. 91 (April 1992), 227-240.


76*.           (with John Hudson and Sara Horrell) " Aid, the public sector and the market in less developed countries: a return to the scene of the crime", Journal of International Development,  vol. 4 (March-April 1992), 139-151.

77.             "L'ajustement structurel: une vue d'ensemble 1980-1989", chapter 1 in Jean-Marc Fontaine (ed.) Reforme du commerce exterieur et politiques de developpement,  Presses Universitaires de France, 1992, 37-56.


78.             "World Bank-Supported Adjustment Programs: County Performance and Effectiveness", in V. Corbo, S. Fischer and S. Webb (eds.), Adjustment Lending: Policies to Restore Growth, Washington DC: World Bank, 1992, 37-40.


79.             'Aiuti economici e sviluppo delle risorse umane in Africa', in F. Volpi and Fiamma B. Mersi (eds.), Crisi, aggiustamento, sviluppo: il caso dell' Africa subsahariana, Milano: Franco Angeli, 1993.


80*.           (with J. Weeks) 'Has recovery begun?:  "Africa's adjustment in the 1980s" revisited', World Development  21 (October 1993), 1583-1607.


81.             'Decomposing the effects of structural adjustment', chapter in F. Van der Kraaij and R. van der Hoeven (eds) Structural adjustment  and Beyond in Sub-Saharan Africa, London: James Currey, 1994.  London:  James Currey, 1994.


82*.           (with J. Weeks), 'Adjustment in Africa', Development Policy Review, 12, (September 1994), 319-326.


83.             'Productivity change in grain crops: Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe, 1960-91', Chapter 12 in G.A. Cornia and G. Helleiner (eds.), From Adjustment to Development in Africa, London: Macmillan, 1994.


84*.           Policy and Capital Market Constraints to the African Green Revolution, Innocenti Occasional Papers, 38, Florence: UNICEF International Child Development Centre, 1994.


85.             'Decomposing the effects of structural adjustment', Chapter 5 in J. Pronk (ed.), Structural Adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Research and Policy Issues, The Hague, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


86.             'Bolivia: Case Study', 142-171 in S. Griffith-Jones (ed.), Assessment of the IDB Lending Programme 1979-92, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies, 1994.


87*.           'Can crop insurance work? The case of India', Journal of Development Studies, 31, (February 1995), 427-450.


88.             ‘Comment’ on K. Goto, ‘The main issues of the East Asian Miracle:  the World Bank Report as assessed by UK critics’, Journal of Development Assistance, Vol. 1:  1 (1995) 13-50.     


89*.           (with T. Subarat and J. Weeks) 'Assessing Adjustment in Africa', World Development, 23 (Sept. 1995), 1459-1475.


90*.           'Development economics and the under-development of Sub-Saharan Africa', Journal of International Development, Vol. 7 (September 1995), 685-706.


91*.           'Optimal incentives to repay in institutions lending to low-income groups:  an Indonesian case study, Savings and Development, 19 (Sept. 1995) 257-278.


92.             ‘The failure of aid and adjustment policies in Africa’, Journal of African Economies, Vol. 5 No. 3 (October 1996) 403-431.


93.             ‘Globalisation and liberalisation in sub-Saharan Africa:  implications for growth and poverty’, in UNCTAD, Globalisation and liberalisation:  effects of international economic relations on poverty, Geneva, 1996.


94.             (with David Hulme) ‘Credit for the poor or poorest?  Financial innovation, poverty and vulnerability’, Chapter 3 in G. Wood and I.  Sharif (eds) Who needs credit?  Poverty and Finance in Bangladesh, Dhaka:  University Press Limited, 1997.


95.             Financial sustainability, targeting the poorest, and income impact:  are there trade-offs for microfinance institutions?  CGAP Focus Note No. 5, World Bank, January 1997.


96*.           ‘The World Bank, “Global Keynesianism” and the distribution of the gains from growth’, World Development, 25 (November 1997), 1949-1957.


97.             ‘Global Keynesianism and North-South models’, chapter 20 in D. Sapsford and J. R. Chen (eds) Development Economics and Policy:  Essays in Honour of Sir Hans Singer, London:  Macmillan, 1998.


98.             Appendix 8 to House of Commons, The Overseas Development White Paper:  First Report from the International Development Committee, pp. 39-41, November 1997.      



iii               Reviews in Journal of Economic Studies, Journal of Modern African Studies, Journal of Social Policy, ODI Review, Food Policy, Journal of Development Studies, Political Studies, Development Policy Review, Economic Journal, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Manchester Papers on Development,  and other academic journals.





B.              Material accepted for publication in 1998


The Green Revolution in Africa:  An Economic and Political Analysis,  Routledge, 1998.


Second edition of Overseas Aid:  its defence and reform (see 3 above), Routledge, 1998.


Economic Policy Making:  Evolution of Theory and Practice since 1945, Manchester University Press, 1998.


*(with David Hulme) ‘Microenterprise Finance:  is there a conflict between growth and poverty alleviation?’  forthcoming World Development, vol. 26 (May 1998).





C.              Material submitted for publication but referred back for revision, or not yet accepted.




'Creditor's dilemma:  conditionality versus debt enforcement', submitted to Economic Journal.


(with John Hudson) 'Aid effectiveness: results from a new model with endogenous lag-structure', submitted to Review of Economics and Statistics.


'Policy and capital market constraints to the African Green Revolution:  Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe (1985-1993)', submitted to Economic Development and Cultural Change.


(with Sara Horrell) 'A microcomputer teaching model of the UK budgetary decision', Bath University Paper in Political Economy 36, submitted to Economics.






£11,545 from Overseas Development Administration (Evaluation Unit) for evaluation of poverty-focused development projects.  November 1980.


£2,848 from Nuffield Foundation for research in East African economic history.  March 1982.


$38,500 from World Bank for evaluation of effectiveness of development aid with particular reference to sub-Saharan Africa.  February 1984.


(with John Toye) £107,313 from Overseas Development Administration (Economic and Social Committee) for evaluation of World Bank Structural Adjustment Loans, November 1985.


(with Lawrence Smith) £30,085 from FAO for assessment of impact of economic policy reforms on African agriculture with particular reference to policy sequencing, September 1988.


(with David Hulme) £115,000 from Overseas Development Administration (Economic and Social Committee) for research on design of credit institutions aimed at small businesses and low income farmers in developing countries, February 1991.  Supplementary grant of £10,000 for diffusion of the results from this project, September 1995.


£4,995 from Nuffield Foundation for research on determinants of private investment in Ghana, October 1992.


£14,300 from ODA for study of aid effectiveness in specified countries, June 1995.


£19,850 from ODA for study of labour markets in Africa, April 1996.


£77,000 from Gatsby Charitable Trust for study of determinants of technical change in African foodcrops, June 1996.


£69,300 from ODA for study of impact of aid on the private sector of developing and transitional economies, June 1996.


£113,000 from DFID for study of diffusion and sustainability of foodcrops technology in Southern Africa, January 1998.






1.         Development finance (programme grant application currently with DFID)


2.         Green Revolution in Africa (see Gatsby and DFID grants in previous list)


3.         Social effects of economic reform in transitional countries.


4.         Social effects of micro-hydro power in low income countries.






Participation in major conferences since 1987


Academic convenor, Development Studies Association Annual Conference, September 1987 and September 1996.


Presented paper on "The effects of macro-economic policies on African agriculture 1980-87" at Agricultural Economics Association conference, Manchester, 8-10 April 1988 and Development Studies Association Conference, Birmingham, 6-8 September 1988.


Presented paper on 'World Bank lending for structural adjustment' at ESRC International Economics Study Group Conference, Isle of Thorns, Sussex, 15-16 September 1989.


Presented papers on 'Evaluation of UK technical assistance', and 'World Bank policy-based lending 1980-1987: an evaluation' at European Association of Development Institutes Conference on aid effectiveness, Oslo, March 1990.


Organiser of international conference on Policy-Based Lending, Hulme Hall, Manchester University, September 1990.


Discussant at World Bank's Second Conference on Adjustment Lending, Washington DC, 13-14 September 1990.


Convenor of panel on 'Aid and Trade in the 1990s' at Royal Economic Society Conference, City University, London, 30 March-2 April 1992.


Presenter on review paper on performance of the Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, 10 December 1993.


Presented paper of 'Creditor's dilemma: conditionality versus debt enforcement' at Royal Economic Society Conference, Exeter, 28 March 1994.


Presented paper on 'Aid, policy reform and endogenous growth' at Royal Economic Society Conference, Canterbury, 28 March 1995.


Discussant at World Bank conference on Finance for the Poor, Dhaka, 19/21 March 1995.


Co-convenor (with World Bank) of  conference on Finance Against Poverty, Reading, 27/28 March 1995.


Discussant at UNCTAD conference  on Globalisation and Poverty, Geneva, 15/16 April 1996.


Presented paper on 'Global Keynesianism and North-South models' at conference in honour of Sir Hans Singer, Innsbruck, 3-5 May 1996.


Presented paper on ‘Structural Adjustment and Labour Markets:  Zambia and Zimbabwe’ at 16th Arne Ryde Symposium, Universty of Lund, 23/34 April 1996.




Member, Royal Economic Society Programme Committee, 1991-95.


Managing Editor, Journal of International Development, since 1989.


Member of Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Development Studies, since 1992.


General Editor, Priorities in Development Economics  series, Routledge Publishers.


Member of Board of Trustees of the development  charity Action Aid, since 1989.


Special Adviser to House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, Overseas Development Sub-Committee, 1982-1983.


I have given radio broadcasts (mostly BBC Radio 4) and given evidence to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee (see Publications above) on development policy issues.


External examiner for BA and MA schemes in Economics and Government, University of Essex from 1983; for MSc. scheme in Development Policy and Planning, University College of Swansea, 1984-87; for MSc. scheme in National Development and Project Planning, University of Bradford, 1984-1987; for MSc. scheme in Development Economics, University of Salford, 1987-1990; for MSc. scheme in Social Planning, LSE, 1988-91; for MA in Development Studies, University of Leeds, 1988 - 1990; for economics component of BA Modern Languages, Bristol Polytechnic, from 1988-1991; for MA in Development Economics, University of Kent, from 1989-1992; for MPhil. in Development Studies, University of Cambridge, from 1990-1992; for MA Economic Development and Policy Analysis, University of Nottingham, from 1994;  for MPhil in Development Studies, University of Sussex, from 1995 to 1997;  for MA in Development Policy and Planning, University of Bristol, from 1995 to 1997;  for MA Schemes in Development Studies, University of Glasgow, from 1998.


I have examined PhD. theses for the Universities of Cambridge, London, East Anglia, Cardiff, Sussex, Bradford, Bath, Leeds, Kent, Salford, Manchester and York, as well as my own University.


Member of Council of Development Studies Association of UK from 1985-1988, and from  1992 - date.


I have refereed several research projects on development and economic policy-making for the (UK) Social Science Research Council, the ODA and the Leverhulme Trust.  I have also acted as reader for the Cambridge University Press, for the Harvester Press, for the World Bank, for the Institute of Social Studies (The Hague), for the University of California Press, and for papers submitted to the following Journals:  American Economic Review, British Journal of Political Science, Economic Journal, European Economic Review, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Developing Areas, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Economic Studies, Journal of the Operations Research Society, Manchester School,  Public Administration and Development, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, World Bank Economic Review and World Development.