Expanding Financial Services for the Poor |
South Asia
DFID “FSP Joint Donor Project Design” Responsible for the development of microfinance sector capacity building component of large multi-donor microfinance support project. This involved designing; a capacity building programme for local private sector training service providers, a demand-side subsidy (voucher) scheme and extensive monitoring and quality control.
2003/2004 -BANGLADESH- BURO Tangail “Extreme Poverty Programme Evaluation”... Market research, assessment of, and recommendations for BT’s pilot “extreme poverty” savings & credit programme.
1998/2000 -INDIA, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh, the Philippines- - AUSAID “Training in Microfinance for IMY Microfinance Programme”
1998-BANGLADESH- UNDP “Reaching Extreme Poverty; Financial Services for the Extremely Poor”
1997-AFGHANISTAN- ODA/Afghanaid "Rural Development Project" Microfinance Services was responsible for the design of a savings and credit programme to assist Afghan villagers re-establish small enterprises in the wake of the prolonged Afghan war. The programme has been developed in an environment of political uncertainty, high inflation and has needed to conform to strict laws of Islamic banking.
1993/1996 BANGLADESH- ADB "Research and Development Project" Robert Hickson was responsible for leading a team of 6 consultants in the Bangladesh Research and Development Technical Assistance Project providing research and development support to an ADB funded Microfinance Project. This project is executed by the GOB using the Grameen Bank model of credit delivery. The TA has worked closely with the Grameen Bank in providing training to project field staff and establishing credit operating systems. The task of the TA has been not only to provide ongoing assistance to the GOB in the adoption of the Grameen Model but also undertake research and highlight issues limiting the effectiveness of this model. Dr Hickson was specifically responsible for project and personnel management, identification and conduct of appropriate research topics. The primary goal is to not only provide critical research into issues facing microcredit delivery systems but to develop the government executing agency’s capacity to analyse and act upon these findings, and systematically monitor and evaluate the social and economic impact of the project. This technical assistance project provided a total of 12 months input spread over a period of 4 years.
1993/1995 PAKISTAN- ADB "Livestock Sector Development Project" Dr Hickson (Managing Director of Microfinance Services) was responsible for leading a team of 3 consultants for 18 months on the Sindh component of the Livestock Sector Development Project. He was specifically responsible for the development of extension system within the Livestock Department. This involved preparation of extension material, identification of appropriate technologies, establishment of producer organisations (as a means of channelling these extension inputs and for marketing of livestock production outputs, primarily milk). Credit and savings co-operatives were established to mobilise local capital resources for small on- and off-farm entrepreneurs through the encouragement of savings by local wage earners. |