Expanding Financial Services for the Poor |
Pacific 2010- PAPUA NEW GUINEA - ADB - “Microfinance Expansion Project Design”
Microfinance Services provided 2 staff members to undertake the design of this nationwide project aimed at doubling financial access in PNG. This is to be achieved through building the capacity of MFIs and the regulatory and supervision capability of the Bank of PNG while at the same time enhancing the capacity of the market to utilise financial services through financial literacy training and support to business development. The design of a comprehensive market research based product development strategy for MFIs, as well as the development of an interoperable mobile phone banking platform, is critical to the expansion of financial services to poorer and more remote households.
1999- PACIFIC REGION- CAA - “Feasibility Study for Proposed Oxfam Bank” Robert Hickson was contracted as a Microfinance Specialist in this project to design and supervise the implementation of this feasibility study in the Pacific Region.
1997- PAPUA NEW GUINEA- AusAID – "PNG Microfinance Sector Review" A Need for careful "Non Prudential" Risk Management Microfinance Services was contracted to conduct a review of microfinance in PNG with particular reference to the social and financial performance of the Liklik Dinau/Abitore Trust microfinance programme which works with disadvantaged women in the Eastern Highlands of PNG. Assessment was made of the opportunities and constraints facing microfinance development in PNG. Analysis was made of Liklik Dinau’s financial performance, its achievements against its socio-economic objectives and the programme’s long-term sustainability.
World Bank –
"Agriculture Sector Review". Microfinance Services provided a member of multi-disciplined team reviewing agriculture sector; research and extension institutions, industry corporations, rural finance institutions and NGOs. Particular focus was placed upon identifying means by which small-holders could better access support from these institutions. Specific responsibilities were to; evaluate the experience of microcredit and savings in PNG, analyse constraints and identify opportunities for development of this sector in order to accelerate the impact of this tool for smallholder development.