2009/2011 -CHINA-
ADB – "Rural Finance Innovation & Rural & Agricultural Financial Statistical System Development"

This project required an analysis of banks and MFIs providing rural finance throughout China. The objective of the project was the development of a rural finance statistical system for People’s Bank of China to allow it to better monitor the provision and impact of the nation's financial services sector.
2005 - CHINA - ADB “Rural Finance Reforms and Development of Microfinance
Microfinance Services was responsible for the conduct of market research to
determine demand for microfinance services, training of PBOC, RCC and
CBRC staff in microfinance ‘best-practice’, lead national microfinance
study tour, drafting of tender documents for the licensing of the first
private retail financial institution in China.
2005 - C HINA
- Citigroup
“Market Research for Product Development”...
Microfinance Services was
contracted to provide a training to 5 MFIs and CICETE in
market research, product development and product pilot testing.

-CHINA- AusAID “Guangxi
Microfinance Feasibility Study”
study of microfinance component of a proposed $4 million microfinance programme
in Guangxi province.
1996/1997 -CHINA-
AusAID – "Inner Mongolia Grasslands Project"

Services was responsible for the design of microfinance facility for project
beneficiaries. This service is intended to allow greater economic
diversification through microenterprise development. It is intended to reduce
the dependence upon pastoralism and thus reduce
grazing pressure on the fragile grasslands in the project area.
AusAID – "Qinghai Community Development
Microfinance Services has been responsible for the design, implementation an
evaluation of a savings and credit delivery system as part of the QCDP. This project is a broad based poverty focused project
implemented through the Agricultural Bank of Chin a. It targets Tibetan
and Hui minority groups. This microfinance scheme has dramatically
modified the Grameen Bank microfinance model with a range of innovations
that allow much greater flexibility and usefulness of the service to its
clients. The programme is designed to promote asset accumulation and
entrepreneurship among the poorest section of the community. A number of
the innovations relate directly to the enhancement the financial
sustainability of the programme such as contracting of village level
financial intermediation responsibility to local women.
AusAID – "Tibet Poverty Project Feasibility Study".
Microfinance Services
provided a consultant to appraise the microfinance, agricultural and
environmental components of an AusAID
funded poverty alleviation project. Key tasks were to consult local
villagers and relevant officials in order to assess the viability of a
community managed land rehabilitation programme. This proposed programme
involved re-vegetation of degraded lands and development of alternative
income generating activities to allow reduced grazing of vulnerable
ecological zones.