Microfinance Services Pty Ltd    

           Expanding Financial Services for the Poor

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2010 - RWANDA - DFID “National Microfinance Policy Review”

On behalf of PDP Australia Microfinance Services Pty Ltd conducted a review of Rwanda’s National Microfinance Strategy achievements and developed recommendations for Phase II. The project required analysis of Rwanda’s regulation and supervision policy for microfinance, examination of the year institutional and financial capacity of MFIs and the impact of their savings and loan products, review of the government's loan guarantee scheme and proposed deposit insurance scheme, and opportunities for integration of the microfinance sector with capital markets. Findings and policy recommendations were presented to the government in a closing workshop and through the final assignment report.


2010 - MOROCCO - USAID “Study Tour of Bank Al-Maghrib's Microfinance Regulation and Supervision”

Organisation and conduct of a study tour for senior officials of the Palestinian Monetary Authority to Bank Al Maghrib (Moroccan central bank). The group was assisted to study and analyse Morocco's microfinance regulation framework and supervision practices to determine its appropriateness to the Palestine situation.




2006/2008 - EAST and SOUTHERN AFRICA -  IFAD “Remote Rural Microfinance Research and Development Programme”

Microfinance Services was contracted to identify potential areas for research into innovations for expanding remote rural microfinance. In a first place, Microfinance Services responsibilities are to define and undertake action research activities. Second part of the project is to evaluate lessons from the action research and disseminate for policy dialogue with regional governments and central banks in areas related to the legislative and policy environment for rural financial service development.




2005 - MOZAMBIQUE - UNDP “Evaluation of Upstream Microfinance Project”

Robert Hickson and Lucy Gray undertook the final evaluation of a 2-year project designed to enhance capacity of the Central Bank and Min. Planning and Dev. to effectively regulate and supervise microfinance institutions in Mozambique.





2003-2004 -MOZAMBIQUE- EU “SME Market Research and Product Design”

Market research and design of new financial products for small and microenterprises fKids in the Rainor the MFI AMODER. 





2003 -MOZAMBIQUE- Min. Ag. &RD “Small Scale Irrigation Project Evaluation”

EvaBoys fishing in flooded field near Chokweluation financial viability of small holder irrigation project.







Kenya landscape with Baobab tree.

2003 -KENYA-  WORLD BANK “Arid Lands Res. Mngt. Project Phase II”

Design of remote rural microfinance & microenterprise programme incl. training needs assessment & design





Voyage au Kenya1999 -KENYA-  DFID “Review of Six Microfinance Programmes in Kenya”

Responsible for institutional analysis and evaluation of the microfinance delivery systems and financial products of 6 DFID supported MFIs in Kenya (K‑REP, KWFT, FAULU, WEDCO, COOP Bank Retail, COOP Bank Wholesale).

1999 -MOZAMBIQUE-  AusAID “Country Programming Mission”

Review of AusAID country programme for Mozambique and development of AusAID’s next 4 year bilateral assistance. Specifically responsible for identifying opportunities and policy for AusAID to support private sector development and the microfinance sector. This involved the appraisal of NGO and multilateral programmes.




1998 -ZAMBIA- USAID “Institutional Review and Training Needs Assessment of the Microfinance  Institution - Credit Management     Services”

 Microfinance Services undertook an institutional review of Credit Management Services’ microfinance program and a training needs assessment of its staff and clients. The technical assistance also supported CMS' capacity in strategic planning and to develop new appChildren on hilltop in Zambia copper beltroaches to microfinance delivery. MFS provided on-site training to branch and head office staff in program management, portfolio analysis, management information systems and monitoring and evaluation. MFS was responsible for drafting the detailed requirements of the MIS to be utilised by CMS and the briefing and guidance of software developers.


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